If you are running either online or offline business, you are likely to come across many online tools that inadvertently advertise themselves as your indispensible businesses partner. All these businesses promises could be essentially boiled down to two points – improve efficiency and increase productivity.

The ever increasing number of tools also makes it practically hard to choose the right tool. You can’t just keep adding umpteen numbers of online tools under the hope of making your job easier. Also, it’s humanly impossible to manage between the different available tools.

The CRM software becomes a logical choice that can combine the multiple business requirements.

It has a range of benefits to enhance customer relationship and empower team collaboration within the organization. And ultimately it shows constructive effects on business prospects.

But, that is only possible if you choose the right software for your business. Reasonably, each industry has its own unique requirements according to their business standard.

For an example- educational organizations require tech tools that enable them to provide valuable facilities to their existing pupil and help them to attract more prospective students.

In a contrast, sales and marketing companies always concentrate on generating more and more leads to increase their sales revenues.

But, thinking about the ‘business’ in general, certainly there are some common requirements that we all seek for. In this blog, we will discuss about such common, yet necessary, features of CRM software that you should look for, while choosing your own software.

  1. Accelerate operations through a Mobile Platform

If you still follow a ‘paper-and-bills’ method to manage your customers, you might be putting your customer relationships at great risk. It isn’t 1990’s anymore. You are expected to complete your business procedures within hours if not minutes after they take the decision.

This means that you can’t have your daily operations to be lagging by a couple of days. You can’t limit your organization’s operations to be limited to your office desktop, direct conversations or paper trial. You need to take your daily operations to a different level.

Besides, now your sales rep needs to be active both inside and outside the office.

There is no reason your organization’ work has to stick into the office desktop, since there are multiple devices available in the market. Besides, sales rep needs to be equally active both inside and outside the office that happens to be above human communication capabilities.

It even seems that every one expects the communication to always keep magically moving-forward!

In the end, the entire team is left without an accurate idea about the actual status of their communication.

Business management system

You can actually come close to this efficiency at business management through a CRM platform.

Ideally, a CRM mobile app should be device agnostic. This helps you ensure that all the mobile data gets streamlined throughout the organizational vertical. You can also manage all the real time updates within the office.

Now let’s examine the typical benefits of a mobile CRM app

  • Access data outside the office: Especially the field sales team need to frequently attend meetings and other appointments, where they need necessary information, files and document to present in front of the client. With mobile CRM application, they can access all the information, including client details, company catalogue and brochure, whenever they want.
  • Get real-time update: Mobile CRM allows you to update order status or MOM right after the meeting. That is how your higher executives and fellow sales reps acquire all the sales information. This can also fortify your team work and understanding.
  • More employee engagement: Mobile CRM is a unique means to identify employees’ effort. With real-time updates, you can understand the daily work progress and will able to recognize your employees’ hard work. This provides them with valuable encouragement and an essential sense of company engagement.
  1. Enable and Encourage Vertical Team Communications

 Today, communication system is more important than anything. It is the life line of any sales team, irrespective of different business industries.

Today, internal communications has turned out to be a huge jargon that aspires to be so many things. But at end, it ends-up on receiving professionally inappropriate phone calls.

Most organizations don’t have any problems with internal team communications that could be compared to these horizontal communications.

For example, let’s consider a sales organization.

tool for business management


It’s usual that most organizations run into large blocks of time lapse when they are forced to rapidly escalate situations.

A good communication system lets you communicate based on team chat or option to share any new document.

Let’s find out why you need a team-wide communication system

  • Streamline the workflow: Instant sharing of files, audios, videos, images and other documents streamlines the workflow and enhances the working speed. Group chat effectively empowers the team with valuable insights from collective communication.
  • Increase productivity: Of course, this kind of connective platform leaves positive effects on productivity, whereas miscommunications and lack of information can remarkably reduce the work progress and badly effect on sales revenue.
  • Create and encourage team spirit: From the beginning of a project the greatest challenge of a manager is to build a strong team spirit among the employees. A robust communication system makes easy their work. It helps to create a healthy office environment and a very encouraging work culture. The ups and downs will be there; but, with such a strong understanding, a team will gradually learn how to resolve the errors together.
Receive and Handle Leads within the Single Platform

Gone are the days, where your marketing was all-about website leads or newspaper-TV adverts.

The modern marketing is a grand sophisticated activity that requires combining different marketing activities through Google tag manager or similar application.

You need to consider the momentum and transparency in managing your leads.

Business management software

You also need to streamline different decision making processes. You also need the flexibility to handover quality leads to your own sales teams.

Let’s consider what makes lead tracking so important to your business.

  • Better understanding of prospects: A lead tracking system will help you to understand your prospects. This data helps you to understand which leads are qualified and which are low quality. This helps you form a better targeted marketing strategy for future sales.
  • Build long-term relationship with clients: As sales CRM software provides you all the customers’’ contact details and phone call and meeting reminder option too, you can follow-up with your leads to make strong and long-term relationships.
  • Increase lead conversion rate: Reasonably, long and trustful relationship with clients entails increased conversion rate. If you are able to leave a good impression on people, they will become more interested to do business with you. It will fasten and speed up the conversion process and help securing highest ROI for your company.

In-short, you can run a modern marketing activity without a conclusive strategy to measure results. Otherwise, you could be brought down by conflicting reports and lack of optimization.

With its integrated CRM dashboard, you can obtain every lead detail which includes contact details, deals summary, updates and other necessary things. This helps you to understand what’s going on within your sales funnel.


For a successful implementation, your CRM should at least carry the above four qualities. The basic function of the CRM is workflow automation to create good relationship with clients. Before choosing your own software, do not forget to check whether it is fulfilling your business purposes or not.

To know more about the features and advantages of CRM software visit Kapture CRM. TryKapture demo or free CRM trial for better understanding. For any information contact our team – call +91 7899887755 or send your query at



Your sales team is getting enough leads every day and giving enormous effort to convert them. But unfortunately most of the leads are slipping out of your hands, restricting you from getting right ROI.

Investing in marketing channels such as SEO, inbound, PPC, trade shows is effective enough for increasing the lead generation rate. However, some extra tricks are needed for a successful sales pipeline management.

A leaky pipeline is an adversity for a company. Though you need to know

  • Only 25% of leads are truly legitimate (Source: Gleanster Research) and if the other 75% are leaking out, nothing is lost precisely.
  • 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales, mostly due to lack of lead nurturing. (Source: MarketingSherpa)
  • A study with more than 62 B2B organizations shows 44% of executives think that their companies are ineffective at managing sales pipeline properly. (Source: Vantage Point Performance and the Sales Management Association)

But, if you are losing the most qualified leads, then it’s the right time to change the gear and try out new sales pipeline management software, for the perfect nourishment of your leads.

  • Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales ready leads at 33% lower cost. (Source: Forrester Research)
  • Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads. (Source: The Annuitas Group)

A sales pipeline management is an easy way to observe the process behind a sale.

[Know more about – is sales pipeline management really important for sales growth?]

If you are not getting proper results out of it, then at first you need to identify the exact problem. Why are most of your leads leaking out? What are the exact leakage points in your sales pipeline?

  1. Process of identifying the problem and leakage point

Identifying the leakage points involves in-depth observation into your sales pipeline. For this you need your sales CRM to showcase all the information related to your existing and potential clients.

Leaks tend to appear, when your company’s sales cycles don’t fit with the prospects’ buying cycles.

For an example, your company sells cricket accessories. For you, a prospective lead should be willing to buy cricket accessories, however, people who are interested in football accessories are not considered to be qualified.

Furthermore, if your sales funnel is filled with leads that are interested in sports accessories in general, then you need to segregate your qualified leads (people who want to buy cricket accessories) from the others.

Your CRM dashboard is the exact place, from where you can get significant insights forsegregating your qualified leads from un-qualified leads.

Once you are able to identify the legitimate and qualified leads, you will gradually stop wasting time on ‘poor leads’, since they won’t be ready for a sales call.

  1. Know the sales pipeline position of each lead

After segregating the qualified leads, you need to know their positions in your sales pipeline.

Though, the number of stages of your sales pipeline depends entirely on the length of the sales cycle. According to Donal Daly, “Having too many stages in the sales pipeline is counterproductive. Six or seven steps are the optimum number of stages in the pipeline”, since too many steps will be time consuming.

Generally, every business has five common stages of sales pipeline-

  • Initial contact
  • Qualification
  • Meeting
  • Proposal
  • Close

All five stages have different weighted value within them; hence, they can include multiple sub-stages.With your sales pipeline management software you can identify exactly what is the position of your lead.

increase sales with CRM software


  1. Improve sales conversion rate by following-up

Identification of leads’ positions enables you to recognize what makes you fall behind from getting sales opportunities. You can plug those leaks with perfect follow-ups.

Following-up a prospect is the crucial part of lead nurturing. Follow-up calls and emails help you to seal more deals within the agreed time period.

46% of marketers with mature lead management processes have sales teams that follow up on more than 75% of marketing-generated leads (Source: Forrester Research).

Further, a CRM software can help you get maximum ROI with automated lead management process, by reminding you about meetings and follow-up calls. You can even set a daily task list to organize your day-to-day work that simplifies the selling process.

importance of sales pipeline


Companies that automate lead management, see a 10% (or greater) increased sales revenue in 6-9 months (Source: Gartner Research).

Efficient follow-up shortens the sales cycle and helps getting valuable opportunities to maintain long-term relationships with customers.


Pipeline management incorporates the issue of how the sales pipeline is structured, how it is measured and how it is utilized. Sales teams that invest the right amount of time in defining a structured and manageablesales process are the most proficient at managing their sales pipelines.

With these three simple steps you can remarkably cut down your leakage rate and additionally acquire accurate sales forecast. So it has a direct role in increasing sales revenue.

Now you know how CRM software helps you to fix your sales pipeline leakage.

Do you want to know more about sales CRM?

Try Kapture demo or 30 days free CRM trial to know more about the benefitsof sales CRM tools. For more information, call +91 7899887755 or send your inquiry at




After you’ve had your business idea and ironed out a solid business plan, you need to figure out how you’re going to fund your company. The funding method you choose can have significant effects on both your own financial future and that of your company, so it’s important to think it through and find the best option for your situation.

Angel Investors

An angel investor invests a certain amount in your company and gets an equity ownership interest in return. While the investment amount can vary depending on your company and the angel investor, a standard amount ranges from $25,000 to $100,000.

Several successful companies got their start through angel investors, including Uber and WhatsApp. Angel investors are looking for companies that they believe have potential, so a major factor in whether you can secure funding this way is the quality of your business plan, along with your passion for the idea and its viability.

The best thing about getting your funding through an angel investor is that you don’t need to put in any of your own money, so there’s less risk involved. It comes at a price, though, as you’ll be giving away a piece of your company.

 Business Credit Cards

If you have a good credit score, a business credit card is an excellent way to fund your business. You apply for a card, and if the card issuer approves you, you’ll have a revolving line of credit that you can use for all your business expenses up to your limit.

One of the perks of business credit cards is their convenience, particularly when it comes to the application process. Loans, especially business loans, can be difficult to get (many banks won’t even issue you a business loan if you haven’t been in business and earning a profit for two years). With business credit cards, as long as you have steady income and a high enough credit score, you should have no problem getting approved.

Business credit cards also allow you to earn a return on the money you spend through reward points or cash back offers. Not only will you earn points or cashback on every dollar you spend, but most cards also have introductory offers, such as $300 cash back for spending $3,000 in the first 3 months of opening a Chase Ink Business Cash Credit Card. If you want to avoid paying interest, there are business credit cards with 0% APR for the first year.

Lending instead of going to a bank for a business loan, you could try peer-to-peer lending. On these sites, you post an ad stating the amount that you want to borrow and how you intend to use the money. The site also includes your credit score with your ad. People who want to make money on interest look through the ads and can choose to lend you your desired amount.

Peer loans typically have moderate interest rates, with the national average coming in at 13%. If your credit is high enough, you may be able to score a loan at a 7% interest rate. Terms are either of three or five years in duration, and you repay the loan on a monthly basis.

These type of loans strike a balance between affordable interest rates and high potential loan amounts. Personal loans range from $1,000 to $35,000, while small business loans range from $15,000 to $100,000. You’ll have the best chance at obtaining a peer loan at a low interest rate if you have a high credit score and you can impress potential lenders with your ad.

There are plenty of ways for you to fund your business, it’s all just a matter of choosing the one that fits your needs. An angel investor is great if you can find one and don’t mind giving up some of your company, while business credit cards and peer loans are both fairly affordable options if you want to keep full control of your company.




Your sales team is getting enough leads every day and giving enormous effort to convert them. But unfortunately most of the leads are slipping out of your hands, restricting you from getting right ROI.

Investing in marketing channels such as SEO, inbound, PPC, trade shows is effective enough for increasing the lead generation rate. However, some extra tricks are needed for a successful sales pipeline management.

A leaky pipeline is an adversity for a company. Though you need to know

  • Only 25% of leads are truly legitimate (Source: Gleanster Research) and if the other 75% are leaking out, nothing is lost precisely.
  • 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales, mostly due to lack of lead nurturing. (Source: MarketingSherpa)
  • A study with more than 62 B2B organizations shows 44% of executives think that their companies are ineffective at managing sales pipeline properly. (Source: Vantage Point Performance and the Sales Management Association)

But, if you are losing the most qualified leads, then it’s the right time to change the gear and try out new sales pipeline management software, for the perfect nourishment of your leads.

  • Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales ready leads at 33% lower cost. (Source: Forrester Research)
  • Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads. (Source: The Annuitas Group)

A sales pipeline management is an easy way to observe the process behind a sale.

[Know more about – is sales pipeline management really important for sales growth?]

If you are not getting proper results out of it, then at first you need to identify the exact problem. Why are most of your leads leaking out? What are the exact leakage points in your sales pipeline?

  1. Process of identifying the problem and leakage point

Identifying the leakage points involves in-depth observation into your sales pipeline. For this you need your sales CRM to showcase all the information related to your existing and potential clients.

Leaks tend to appear, when your company’s sales cycles don’t fit with the prospects’ buying cycles.

For an example, your company sells cricket accessories. For you, a prospective lead should be willing to buy cricket accessories, however, people who are interested in football accessories are not considered to be qualified.

Furthermore, if your sales funnel is filled with leads that are interested in sports accessories in general, then you need to segregate your qualified leads (people who want to buy cricket accessories) from the others.

Your CRM dashboard is the exact place, from where you can get significant insights forsegregating your qualified leads from un-qualified leads.

Once you are able to identify the legitimate and qualified leads, you will gradually stop wasting time on ‘poor leads’, since they won’t be ready for a sales call.

  1. Know the sales pipeline position of each lead

After segregating the qualified leads, you need to know their positions in your sales pipeline.

Though, the number of stages of your sales pipeline depends entirely on the length of the sales cycle. According to Donal Daly, “Having too many stages in the sales pipeline is counterproductive. Six or seven steps are the optimum number of stages in the pipeline”, since too many steps will be time consuming.

Generally, every business has five common stages of sales pipeline-

  • Initial contact
  • Qualification
  • Meeting
  • Proposal
  • Close

All five stages have different weighted value within them; hence, they can include multiple sub-stages.With your sales pipeline management software you can identify exactly what is the position of your lead.

increase sales with CRM software

  1. Improve sales conversion rate by following-up

Identification of leads’ positions enables you to recognize what makes you fall behind from getting sales opportunities. You can plug those leaks with perfect follow-ups.

Following-up a prospect is the crucial part of lead nurturing. Follow-up calls and emails help you to seal more deals within the agreed time period.

46% of marketers with mature lead management processes have sales teams that follow up on more than 75% of marketing-generated leads (Source: Forrester Research).

Further, a CRM software can help you get maximum ROI with automated lead management process, by reminding you about meetings and follow-up calls. You can even set a daily task list to organize your day-to-day work that simplifies the selling process.

importance of sales pipeline

Companies that automate lead management, see a 10% (or greater) increased sales revenue in 6-9 months (Source: Gartner Research).

Efficient follow-up shortens the sales cycle and helps getting valuable opportunities to maintain long-term relationships with customers.


Pipeline management incorporates the issue of how the sales pipeline is structured, how it is measured and how it is utilized. Sales teams that invest the right amount of time in defining a structured and manageablesales process are the most proficient at managing their sales pipelines.

With these three simple steps you can remarkably cut down your leakage rate and additionally acquire accurate sales forecast. So it has a direct role in increasing sales revenue.

Now you know how CRM software helps you to fix your sales pipeline leakage.

Do you want to know more about sales CRM?

Try Kapture demo or 30 days free CRM trial to know more about the benefitsof sales CRM tools. For more information, call +91 7899887755 or send your inquiry at



If you are running either online or offline business, you are likely to come across many online tools that inadvertently advertise themselves as your indispensible businesses partner. All these businesses promises could be essentially boiled down to two points – improve efficiency and increase productivity.

The ever increasing number of tools also makes it practically hard to choose the right tool. You can’t just keep adding umpteen numbers of online tools under the hope of making your job easier. Also, it’s humanly impossible to manage between the different available tools.

The CRM software becomes a logical choice that can combine the multiple business requirements.

It has a range of benefits to enhance customer relationship and empower team collaboration within the organization. And ultimately it shows constructive effects on business prospects.

But, that is only possible if you choose the right software for your business. Reasonably, each industry has its own unique requirements according to their business standard.

For an example- educational organizations require tech tools that enable them to provide valuable facilities to their existing pupil and help them to attract more prospective students.

In a contrast, sales and marketing companies always concentrate on generating more and more leads to increase their sales revenues.

But, thinking about the ‘business’ in general, certainly there are some common requirements that we all seek for. In this blog, we will discuss about such common, yet necessary, features of CRM software that you should look for, while choosing your own software.

  1. Accelerate operations through a Mobile Platform

If you still follow a ‘paper-and-bills’ method to manage your customers, you might be putting your customer relationships at great risk. It isn’t 1990’s anymore. You are expected to complete your business procedures within hours if not minutes after they take the decision.

This means that you can’t have your daily operations to be lagging by a couple of days. You can’t limit your organization’s operations to be limited to your office desktop, direct conversations or paper trial. You need to take your daily operations to a different level.

Besides, now your sales rep needs to be active both inside and outside the office.

There is no reason your organization’ work has to stick into the office desktop, since there are multiple devices available in the market. Besides, sales rep needs to be equally active both inside and outside the office that happens to be above human communication capabilities.

It even seems that every one expects the communication to always keep magically moving-forward!

In the end, the entire team is left without an accurate idea about the actual status of their communication.

Business management system

You can actually come close to this efficiency at business management through a CRM platform.

Ideally, a CRM mobile app should be device agnostic. This helps you ensure that all the mobile data gets streamlined throughout the organizational vertical. You can also manage all the real time updates within the office.

Now let’s examine the typical benefits of a mobile CRM app

  • Access data outside the office: Especially the field sales team need to frequently attend meetings and other appointments, where they need necessary information, files and document to present in front of the client. With mobile CRM application, they can access all the information, including client details, company catalogue and brochure, whenever they want.
  • Get real-time update: Mobile CRM allows you to update order status or MOM right after the meeting. That is how your higher executives and fellow sales reps acquire all the sales information. This can also fortify your team work and understanding.
  • More employee engagement: Mobile CRM is a unique means to identify employees’ effort. With real-time updates, you can understand the daily work progress and will able to recognize your employees’ hard work. This provides them with valuable encouragement and an essential sense of company engagement.
  1. Enable and Encourage Vertical Team Communications

 Today, communication system is more important than anything. It is the life line of any sales team, irrespective of different business industries.

Today, internal communications has turned out to be a huge jargon that aspires to be so many things. But at end, it ends-up on receiving professionally inappropriate phone calls.

Most organizations don’t have any problems with internal team communications that could be compared to these horizontal communications.

For example, let’s consider a sales organization.

tool for business managementtool for business management


It’s usual that most organizations run into large blocks of time lapse when they are forced to rapidly escalate situations.

A good communication system lets you communicate based on team chat or option to share any new document.

Let’s find out why you need a team-wide communication system

  • Streamline the workflow: Instant sharing of files, audios, videos, images and other documents streamlines the workflow and enhances the working speed. Group chat effectively empowers the team with valuable insights from collective communication.
  • Increase productivity: Of course, this kind of connective platform leaves positive effects on productivity, whereas miscommunications and lack of information can remarkably reduce the work progress and badly effect on sales revenue.
  • Create and encourage team spirit: From the beginning of a project the greatest challenge of a manager is to build a strong team spirit among the employees. A robust communication system makes easy their work. It helps to create a healthy office environment and a very encouraging work culture. The ups and downs will be there; but, with such a strong understanding, a team will gradually learn how to resolve the errors together.
Receive and Handle Leads within the Single Platform

Gone are the days, where your marketing was all-about website leads or newspaper-TV adverts.

The modern marketing is a grand sophisticated activity that requires combining different marketing activities through Google tag manager or similar application.

You need to consider the momentum and transparency in managing your leads.

Business management software

You also need to streamline different decision making processes. You also need the flexibility to handover quality leads to your own sales teams.

Let’s consider what makes lead tracking so important to your business.

  • Better understanding of prospects: A lead tracking system will help you to understand your prospects. This data helps you to understand which leads are qualified and which are low quality. This helps you form a better targeted marketing strategy for future sales.
  • Build long-term relationship with clients: As sales CRM software provides you all the customers’’ contact details and phone call and meeting reminder option too, you can follow-up with your leads to make strong and long-term relationships.
  • Increase lead conversion rate: Reasonably, long and trustful relationship with clients entails increased conversion rate. If you are able to leave a good impression on people, they will become more interested to do business with you. It will fasten and speed up the conversion process and help securing highest ROI for your company.

In-short, you can run a modern marketing activity without a conclusive strategy to measure results. Otherwise, you could be brought down by conflicting reports and lack of optimization.

With its integrated CRM dashboard, you can obtain every lead detail which includes contact details, deals summary, updates and other necessary things. This helps you to understand what’s going on within your sales funnel.


For a successful implementation, your CRM should at least carry the above four qualities. The basic function of the CRM is workflow automation to create good relationship with clients. Before choosing your own software, do not forget to check whether it is fulfilling your business purposes or not.

To know more about the features and advantages of CRM software visit Kapture CRM. TryKapture demo or free CRM trial for better understanding. For any information contact our team – call +91 7899887755 or send your query at




We all love simpletons. We tend to believe that our simplest ideas are the most powerful. We also attach an element of truism to the simplicity.

But in the last couple of years, the marketing have been genuinely taken-on to the opposite direction. It has transformed itself into a highly complex activity that needs sophistication and market intelligence. You also need to balance your budgeting and marketing requirements.

You need to progressively put more and more stress on different human utility. This also means that the past simpleton mindset that worked s well in the past, will be henceforth nullified for a more brilliant and complex protocol. You need to take multiple decisions, where each decision is dependent on a multitude of different decisions.

A marketing automation system can simplify and accelerate your marketing process management. You can also take more effective daily decisions and thereby streamline your marketing decisions.

The features of the marketing automation system enable you to connect and collaborate between different activities; it’s also a process to systematically uncover and utilize your sales and marketing opportunities.

So, without further ado, here are few CRM features that can bestow the marketing automation process-

 Identify your most profitable leads

Simplify marketing processes,


For a modern marketer, the worst possible situation isn’t the complete lack of quality leads. If you combine the basics of psychology and marketing science, you could possibly generate a large volume of leads. According to digital marketers’, the worst situation would be large volume of leads that completely fail to convert into final sales.

Meanwhile, you could be completely at dark concerning the quality of these leads.

Ideally, you should have an effective way to guide and improve the quality of your generated leads.

For this, all the marketing strategies should be geared towards a single goal – an ever increasing volume of generated leads. But, today the greatest challenge of businesses is to segregate quality leads from the ‘poor’ leads to boost up the conversion rate.

As the first step, you could filter and segregate the most profitable leads from your existing lead database.

You need to analyze your customer profiles and behaviors to identify the chief characteristics of a prospective lead. By this method, you can also identify the attributes and behaviors that designate a lead quality.

Within the CRM customer account, you can view all the customer details – including purchase history, buying behavior and other details on your CRM dashboard. You can also generate ROI-related reports such as lead information and sales reports.

Likewise, you can also generate information about your future lead generation.

Afterwards, you could try to have your future lead acquisition strategies to reflect the characteristics of the acquired leads.

Almost, 84% of the companies believe that the CRM system could beneficially determine the quality of your leads.

Once you are able to identify the quality of leads, you can build up a better marketing strategy, concentrating on your qualified leads that surely gives you increased sales revenue.

Automate your Email Campaigns

Email ranks as the third most influential information source for B2B audiences, behind colleague recommendations and industry-specific intermediaries.Most of the companies use emails to promote their product and services, since it is one of the slandered marketing mediums.


Accelerate marketing activities

According to The Direct Marketing Association, segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue.

But, to know the hidden recipe of targeted email marketing, you need to understand the tactic ofemail marketing automation.

Now, what is email marketing automation?

Let’s explain this concept with a very practical issue. Suppose, you own a perfume shop and you are planning to launch a brand new female perfume. For this, indeed,you need a strong campaign to promote the product.

If you want to gain the maximum benefit from your email marketing campaign, you need to send your promotional emails only to the female customers. And the process of segregating the database, analyzing the customers’ behavior and then sending targeted emails to a specific segment – all together called as email marketing automation.

Precisely, a marketing CRM system stipulated the process of automation with all its marketing tools.

Customize your independent Campaigns


Customer experience is dependent on personalized offerings and services.

Think from the customer’s perfective – you love trendy leather bags and frequently roam online for better discounts and offers. You will always appreciate the brand, who sends you frequent updates about newly arrived leather bags and gives youtempting offer/ discount ‘only for you’.

The ability to segment email lists and individualize email campaign messaging are the most effective personalization tactics.  These are also the highest rated tactic for marketing influencers with both being effective for 51% and 50% respectively.

Accelerate marketing activities


A suitable marketing automation system will help you to know the customers’ buying pattern and behavior, so that you can get valuable insights about their expectation. Once you know what your customer wants to buy, you will able to offer them special discounts and customized service to gain their loyalty.

Integrate Social Media

As you may be already aware, the social media is a significant part of the current marketing and sales industry. Social Media Examiner conducted a survey to demonstrate the importance of social channels that shows 92% of marketers said that social media is important to their business. It is also mentioned that 90% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure in their business.

Undeniably, most of your customers are now using different social networks and actively participating on social groups. So, today social media is the best way of communication, irrespective of all industries and business.

This opens up the chance to directly connect with potential and existing customers and increase your brand awareness and loyalty.

With social media management tools, you can gauge the comments and remarks that customers and prospects make about your business, brand, products and services, and ingest those notifications into your marketing automation platform.

Below is the work process of social CRM tools-

Simplify marketing with CRM



There are many applications to consider in CRM system, particularly when it comes to sales and marketing. For some companies, ease of installation and cross-department functionality will be the top priority. For other companies, abilities like mobile access and social media integration or emailmarketing automation may be top-of-mind. The CRM technology you decide on will also depend on your business needs, and the size of your organization.

Though selecting a CRM for marketing automation is a daunting task. Why not try a free CRM trial or ask for the demo? It will help gaining better understanding about your CRM software. For more information visit Kapture CRM or call +91 7899887755. You can also send your enquiry



The Real Estate industry in India is ready to embrace the business automation system. Along with all business industries, Real Estate is also facing a tremendous turmoil and agents are continuously adopting new technologies to keep up with the increasing market demands.

Indian real estate developers need to tweak their customer service strategies due to the following reasons:

  • New rules and regulations in real estate industry
  • Rising customers’ expectation
  • Increasing competition

With instant access of information and consumers becoming more at ease with the idea of selling their own houses and properties, the Indian real estate industry is pressed hard in keeping up with the shifting tide. Responding to the gradually well-informed buyer base and, bearing in mind the fact of globalization, our real estate developers have shifted gears and accepted new challenges.

That is why you can see the rising popularity of Real Estate CRM in our country. Brokers are looking for Real Estate CRM tailored specifically for their industry needs. Small and mid-sized brokers are the ones most benefited from CRM for Real Estate.

importance of real estate CRM


In this present situation, where the entire market is completely customer-centric, both small and large brokerages require Customer Relationship management software in order to sustain in this competitive market economy.

The CRM software not only starts working from the day a buyer and broker enter into an agreement, but also it provides valuable insights to generate more leads and convert them into business opportunities.

It helps to get timely project information

So many people are now investing in real estate and so many people are selling their properties to have new ones. Indian real estate industry is expected the growth of 7.0% this year, according toThomson Reuters.

In this large industry, you need to gear up new policies and integrate strong information management tools with your system. Tools that can remind you the appointments, daily tasks, show case the buyers’ information, and all the data about properties and contracts.

Evidently, the buyers being able to access information that they need to make more logical decisions, it’s trimming down the importance for the less informed brokers.

Smart real estate brokerages are embracing these technological advances and using fresh CRM tools to survive. Whereas, others are sticking to the traditional techniques and old methods, because that’s the way deals and handover processes have always been done.

Awkwardly though, history has proved time and again, nostalgia is hardly a good business model — no matter which industry you belong.

With the suitable project management software you can add project checklist to follow the progress of a particular deal, yet can maintain the information security at its full. Integrating a calendar with your CRM system, you can keep track on current and upcoming events, appointments and meetings.

lead conversion with CRM software


It simplifies the execution and handover process

The real estate CRM system can record all the payments as and when received from the buyers. It even can help tracking the installment process, since buyers generally pay high amounts for their properties in installments. With Real Estate CRM it is likely to create a payment calendar, keeping accordance with the company’s financial strategies.

This will help the developers to generate further demand letters and create accurate reports on payment process. So, eventually the handover process will get easier with the clarity of payment structure and correct documents.

Besides this, CRM allows a holistic and organized approach for forecasting and budgeting.

Within the real estate lifecycle, the brokerage has to communicate with the buyer frequently, be it demand letters for payment, milestone completion, or maintenance related communications. A tiny error here can cause a severe damage to client relationships.

With CRM systems, you can enjoy all the advantages of marketing and sales automation. CRM tools allow you to configure and generate automated communications through email or mobile messages. With this you can endow with a decent reminder of the transactions which took place in your buyer’s account.

It provides tools to maintain regulatory compliance

In present situation, Indian real estate sector is facing an incredible pressure of regulations, due to the introduction of RERA Act.   According to this act, all the real estate developers and promoters need to finish project details, such as layout, land details, approvals, workers and the estimated completion schedule of the project with the regulator as well as the consumer.

On a shorter note, the recent budget (2017) also creates remarkable excitement in Indian realty sector. Being the second-biggest employment generator, after agricultural sector, allocation to PradhanMantriAwasYojana increased from Rs. 15,000 crore to Rs. 23,000 crore in Indian real estate sector. Further, the Government has affirmed its intention of constructing 1 crore rural houses by 2019.

So, it is the right time to accept the challenges and appreciate the opportunities and create maximum profits using right technologies.

CRM software leverages the connectivity among the buyers and brokerages and helps producing reports on a daily basis. Thus, it shortens and streamlines the work process so that you can achieve fast project completion.  Organized and segmented information on CRM dashboard which will help you to systematize your workflow, so that you can maintain the regulation, yet retain your revenue.

Finishing words

In addition with the above three, real estate CRM system streamlines the customer enquiry tracking from start to closure, developing a sales funnel and further provides real time view of it. With all its features and applications, your CRM software offers you the perfect opening to get into the targeted customer segment and grab the right opportunity to increase your profit.

With the changes, today’s realty sector has become fully mature to adopt the business automation process. Know more about Real Estate CRM software visit Kapture CRM and experience the CRM demo. You may also try 30 days free CRM trial. For any enquiry contact our team, call +91 7899887755 or send a mail to us at



India’s startup ecosystem continues to increase at a rapid pace. Now we have nearly 19,000 technology-enabled startup companies, according to Economic-survey 2015-2016. However, despite the innovative ideas and groundbreaking projects, many businesses struggle to survive the competition, and many are eventually forced to shut down.

Accepting the challenges, many companies are now using Customer Relationship Management software and getting wonderful benefits out of it.

As per the latest survey by Trackvia, successful implementation of CRM software can boost sales revenue by 41% for per salesperson and can enhance customer retention by up to 27%.

Office-based CRM systems are powerful tools for small businesses, but once you get outside the office, you will be completely disconnected from the affluence of your CRM tools.

That is the way sales-based startups face maximum problems regarding information management, client communication and team collaboration. Opening up your laptop to log in to a casual chat with your client is not a convenient option all the time, especially when you are out for a meeting.

Having your sales team equipped with a mobile CRM can benefit you to a large extent.

Quick facts about mobile CRM
  • Not only is the CRM industry growing at a rapid pace, but Mobile CRM is expected to grow by 500%, with more than 50% of business rolling out or piloting mobile CRM. (Source- Gartner)
  • Mobile access to a CRM increases sales force productivity by an average of 14.6% with a further 3 in 10 mobile CRM users reporting productivity improvement of more than 20%. (Source- Nucleus Research)

  • Companies that have mobile CRM enabled had a much higher percentage of reps achieving their sales quotes. (Source: Super Office)


Mobile CRM Software


Selling on-the-go

CRM software is nothing but the backbone of a sales team. They need to access different marketing and sales tools, even if they are outside the office. Without a mobile CRM this could not have been possible at all.

Going out for a meeting with a mini-office in your pocket will surely give a higher level of confidence. You can carry out the selling process any time, no matter where you are.

All time access to updated information

Imagine the common scenario of a company with a decentralized sales force – while attending a meeting you suddenly need some information to show your client. You called your team members, and asked them to send a mail attached with the documents, and waited a long time expecting to receive the mail from the office.

Logically, you simply can’t waste your time like that. It certainly leaves a bad impression on your client and for this you may not get your expected closure.

With a mobile-enabled CRM system you can access updated client information, product information, brochure and everything in just a click.

Besides, the information comes with an organized form, making things easy to figure out. And the best part is that its limited access completely confirms the information security.

Real-time reporting

If you or one of your sales team members completes a transaction on the meeting site with a client, you may need to return to the office to update the MOM or transaction details into the system later on. This type of delay slows down the process.

While running a startup company, you need a superfast selling process. With a mobile-enabled CRM, you can simply update all records from your smartphone or tablet while you’re there with the customer. These real-time updates will show up on the dashboard, so that your co-salespersons and the executives can instantly know about the work progress.

Shorter sales cycle

From the previous points, by all means a CRM can successfully cut down the sales cycle, rescuing you from the exertion of long sales cycle. It streamlines your team efforts with technological tools to prevent you from unnecessary delay.

Collaboration on the peak

A startup company always needs a fully organized and coherent sales team. They need a platform, where they can chat, share, report and make big decisions instantly.

CRM gives you the right opportunity to enhance your team collaboration. With its inbuilt chat facility, you can share anything with your team, be it an image, video, audio or a document. Form a group or go for one-to-one interaction – with your CRM you can resolve any team or client related issues immediately. You do not need to call for a meeting or individually call people and ask their problems. You can interact with multiple employees directly through your mobile CRM app.
[Find more on team collaboration, with mobile CRM – 5 Applications of Mobile CRM to Achieve 5x Sales Results]

Also, it gives you the opportunity to maintain and track the performance and work progress of your employees.
Most importantly, your CRM tools will always take care of your data privacy.

Mobile CRM App

Ultimate customer engagement

With your CRM in your pocket, you can contact your client whenever you want. The integrated social networks and other systems will help you to answer the customer queries, mails, social media comments and feedback.

By giving prompt response to customers’ inquiries and feedback, you can achieve remarkable customer engagement and brand loyalty.


With the upswing of mobile computing, cloud-based data networks and smart devices, companies now understand that anything that can be done digitally in office can also be accomplished effortlessly on the go. So, why not with your CRM?

Having a Mobile CRM is no longer optional.

Utilizing mobile CRM you can manage a prospective business in your sales funnel. You can make opportunities to define the prospect of your business, manage pipelines and related activity circles, and make certain the accuracy of sales forecast.

For more information on mobile CRM visit Kapture CRM. We provide CRM demo and you can get30 days CRM free trial for your company. Contact Kapture team at +91 7899887755 or send your inquiry at



From generating new leads to closing deals, the entire sales process can become long and exhausting. In this, one wrong move could flick your entire ‘house of cards’ tumbling towards ground.

Every salesperson, regardless of the industry, product, or skill level, makes mistakes. And from their mistakes they learn new thing about nourishing and turning their leads into opportunities.

But there are some common mistakes that even seasoned campaigner could be committing amidst their sales career.

While having a centralized strategy is essential, you also need to understand that each lead is different. It is crucial to have the flexibility to approach each lead individually. Also, you can say that different salespeople have different tactics.

These three common mistakes could stop sales people dead on their tracks. It could be easily avoided and could even turn into strong points if you carefully plan and observe a clear selling pattern with clients.

Mistake 1: Messing-up the Follow-up Routines

While nourishing quality leads, you should know the significant value of follow-up with the prospects, in order to gain their trust and speedup the actual conversion process.

Simply put, the lead nourishing is often involves gaining the trust of prospect and accelerating their actual conversion.

[Learn more about the importance of follow-up calls here – The Key to Increasing Your Sales: It’s All about Following-up]

But, even after being made aware of the power of follow-up or benefitting from planned customer follow-up, salespeople frequently fail to execute proper follow-up protocols. They end-up either avoiding a particular lead or excessively calling-up a particular high value prospect.

In both cases, you could self destroying your prospects interest in your product/service.

There are mainly two reasons behind it-

  • Not having complete track on sales leads
  • Excessive work load – too many meetings to attend and too many calls to do

Globally, every salesperson can relate to this situation. Due frequently receiving heavy workloads and simultaneously handling multiple clients, all sales people suffer from the lack of future prospect planning.


Missing follow-up calls can slow down conversion process and severely affect your conversion rates. More importantly, it can affect your overall client relationships.

That means loss of great chances and opportunity that can confine you to get right ROI.


Though the problem is grave, you can’t imagine how simple the solution is. Keeping track on notepad and maintaining a contact book is too old to keep up with this competitive industry.

Instead of keeping mental tab on each user, you could use and the call management system. This helps you evaluate the progress and arrange a call at a predisposed time.

This allows you to handle each customer interactions with the objective of driving final conversions. You can also set the right frequency and mode of internal communication.

By having a call management system, you can eradicate the unnecessary problems that could affect your sales process.

Meanwhile, you can also update your daily task on your CRM dashboard. With this system, your entire team can collaborate on preventing any potential calls to be missed-out of the workflow. This will help to sort out your hectic schedule and give a clear understanding about managing your work day.

Common sales mistakes,

mistakes in sales



Mistake 2: Lack of Information

Always, even the most consolidated client meetings are a thing of doubt.

Consider that you are attending a prospect. Now your client asks you for a detail about your product and you aren’t knowledgeable or don’t carry the document about that particular matter.

Or suppose, suddenly a client calls you and asks about the status of his/her enquiry and you don’t have any clue about the previous conversation, since that last call was taken by someone else.

Both of these are very common in sales and marketing organizations.


Lack of information is the major cause behind all the misunderstanding between client and company. Whereas clarity of information can brace the relationships with trust and loyalty, superficial product demonstration and unclear contract can lead to vital error of communication.

Lack of information among your employees can affect-

  • Company reputation
  • Lead generation process
  • Lead conversion rate
  • Team spirit
  • Office environment and culture

Yes, even this problem has an easy solution. And the same sales CRM software can help you out of the situation.

Its valuable application gives you the opportunity to update all the information gathered about your client; you can even raise ticket for each complaint or enquiry to following up the status. All the team members with access to the dashboard can see and act based on the updated information.

Besides, you can have a separate section for uploading your inventory and access those data from your mobile CRM application, so that you can show to your client while having a meeting outside the office.

manage sales mistakes


 Mistake 3: Ignoring the Sales Pipeline

Are you aware of your high ROI lead sources? Do you know what your future sales prospect is?

Being ignorant of your sales pipeline can severely cost you. However, this issue is somewhat different from the other two. Since, the sales pipeline management is a greater concern of sales executives, it has significant role in lead generation and conversion.

44% of the companies think they are ineffective at managing the sales pipeline. Though it helps you to get proper sales forecast, accurate ideas about the status of the deal, visibly distinguish between hot, cold and warm prospect, and bestow a clear vision about your business.


Ignoring sales pipeline can directly effect on your ROI. Proper sales pipeline management helps understanding the quality of leads. Sales reps tend to lose sight of the opportunities they should be pursuing, when they waste so much time chasing poor deals.

When your vision is clouded by poor leads, you’ll spend 90% of your time filtering through bad deals to try and find the ones to coach on.


A technical problem should always have a technical solution. Only a proper sales pipeline management tool can help you differentiate between poor and good quality leads.

Your CRM dashboard is the best place where you can find every information about your prospects, position of your lead in the sales pipeline. This gives you valuable insight about what to do to make the conversion faster.

Managing sales process



What works for some salespeople, may not work for you…It is critical to have flexibility and versatility to try-out new approaches and strategies.

As you can see these three common mistakes are easily avoidable with your sales CRM software. You do not need to install different apps or adopt difficult techniques to restrict yourself from damaging your sales opportunities. All you need to utilize your sales management system at its full.

Do you want to make your team stronger and want to overcome these sales errors? Visit Kapture CRM and discover valuable features that help to increase your ROI. Try out our 30 days free CRM trial. If you have any query, call +91 7899887755 or send a mail to us at




The Real Estate industry in India is ready to embrace the business automation system. Along with all business industries, Real Estate is also facing a tremendous turmoil and agents are continuously adopting new technologies to keep up with the increasing market demands.

Indian real estate developers need to tweak their customer service strategies due to the following reasons:

  • New rules and regulations in real estate industry
  • Rising customers’ expectation
  • Increasing competition

With instant access of information and consumers becoming more at ease with the idea of selling their own houses and properties, the Indian real estate industry is pressed hard in keeping up with the shifting tide. Responding to the gradually well-informed buyer base and, bearing in mind the fact of globalization, our real estate developers have shifted gears and accepted new challenges.

That is why you can see the rising popularity of Real Estate CRM in our country. Brokers are looking for Real Estate CRM tailored specifically for their industry needs. Small and mid-sized brokers are the ones most benefited from CRM for Real Estate.

importance of real estate CRM


In this present situation, where the entire market is completely customer-centric, both small and large brokerages require Customer Relationship management software in order to sustain in this competitive market economy.

The CRM software not only starts working from the day a buyer and broker enter into an agreement, but also it provides valuable insights to generate more leads and convert them into business opportunities.

It helps to get timely project information

So many people are now investing in real estate and so many people are selling their properties to have new ones. Indian real estate industry is expected the growth of 7.0% this year, according toThomson Reuters.

In this large industry, you need to gear up new policies and integrate strong information management tools with your system. Tools that can remind you the appointments, daily tasks, show case the buyers’ information, and all the data about properties and contracts.

Evidently, the buyers being able to access information that they need to make more logical decisions, it’s trimming down the importance for the less informed brokers.

Smart real estate brokerages are embracing these technological advances and using fresh CRM tools to survive. Whereas, others are sticking to the traditional techniques and old methods, because that’s the way deals and handover processes have always been done.

Awkwardly though, history has proved time and again, nostalgia is hardly a good business model — no matter which industry you belong.

With the suitable project management software you can add project checklist to follow the progress of a particular deal, yet can maintain the information security at its full. Integrating a calendar with your CRM system, you can keep track on current and upcoming events, appointments and meetings.

lead conversion with CRM software


It simplifies the execution and handover process

The real estate CRM system can record all the payments as and when received from the buyers. It even can help tracking the installment process, since buyers generally pay high amounts for their properties in installments. With Real Estate CRM it is likely to create a payment calendar, keeping accordance with the company’s financial strategies.

This will help the developers to generate further demand letters and create accurate reports on payment process. So, eventually the handover process will get easier with the clarity of payment structure and correct documents.

Besides this, CRM allows a holistic and organized approach for forecasting and budgeting.

Within the real estate lifecycle, the brokerage has to communicate with the buyer frequently, be it demand letters for payment, milestone completion, or maintenance related communications. A tiny error here can cause a severe damage to client relationships.

With CRM systems, you can enjoy all the advantages of marketing and sales automation. CRM tools allow you to configure and generate automated communications through email or mobile messages. With this you can endow with a decent reminder of the transactions which took place in your buyer’s account.

It provides tools to maintain regulatory compliance

In present situation, Indian real estate sector is facing an incredible pressure of regulations, due to the introduction of RERA Act.   According to this act, all the real estate developers and promoters need to finish project details, such as layout, land details, approvals, workers and the estimated completion schedule of the project with the regulator as well as the consumer.

On a shorter note, the recent budget (2017) also creates remarkable excitement in Indian realty sector. Being the second-biggest employment generator, after agricultural sector, allocation to PradhanMantriAwasYojana increased from Rs. 15,000 crore to Rs. 23,000 crore in Indian real estate sector. Further, the Government has affirmed its intention of constructing 1 crore rural houses by 2019.

So, it is the right time to accept the challenges and appreciate the opportunities and create maximum profits using right technologies.

CRM software leverages the connectivity among the buyers and brokerages and helps producing reports on a daily basis. Thus, it shortens and streamlines the work process so that you can achieve fast project completion.  Organized and segmented information on CRM dashboard which will help you to systematize your workflow, so that you can maintain the regulation, yet retain your revenue.

Finishing words

In addition with the above three, real estate CRM system streamlines the customer enquiry tracking from start to closure, developing a sales funnel and further provides real time view of it. With all its features and applications, your CRM software offers you the perfect opening to get into the targeted customer segment and grab the right opportunity to increase your profit.

With the changes, today’s realty sector has become fully mature to adopt the business automation process. Know more about Real Estate CRM software visit Kapture CRM and experience the CRM demo. You may also try 30 days free CRM trial. For any enquiry contact our team, call +91 7899887755 or send a mail to us at

